A incidencia da vontade de autor e vítima en materia de lei aplicable ás obrigas non contractuais: análise da normativa comunitaria

Administración & cidadanía: revista da Escola Galega de Administración Pública, Vol. 7, Nº. 1, págs. 57-71 Año: 2012
Autor/a: Javier Maseda Rodríguez.
This work analyzes Article 14 of the Rome II Regulation, a regulator of the exercise of the autonomy of the will in the field of law applicable to non-contractual duties at the international level. It analyses, on the one hand, its material scope and, on the other hand, its characters, especially the choice of ex ante and ex post law, as well as the limits on the exercise of the autonomy of the will by the person responsible for the damage and the victim