Descripción de las fincas en el SIGPAC* como nuevo instrumento individualizador. su incidencia en Castilla y León
Revista Jurídica de Castilla y León, núm. 10, pp. 329-358.
Año: 2006
Margarita Herrero Oviedo.
The defective identification of lands has been a constant throughout our history. Given the importance that an exact individualization and identification of the properties has in different areas, several mechanisms have been established to achieve this goal with more or less success. In more recent times, a system of geographical identification of lands set up by the European Union with the aim of controlling the effective management of aid granted under the common agricultural policy has had a great impact. Given the large area of land in our Autonomous Community, as well as the economic importance of the European Union aid received by farmers in Castile and Leon, the implementation of SIGPAC is having a special impact on the agricultural sector; its establishment, together with the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, is bringing to light many dysfunctions which, however, do not succeed in tarnishing the value of the system. Anyway, in order to ensure that the great efforts made in our country to obtain as accurate an image of the area as possible are not cancelled out, it is essential that the SIGPAC databases are continually updated and renewed.