A violencia contra a muller nos casos de subtracción internacional de menores
Libros: Propostas de modernización do Dereito, pp. 19-40.
Editorial: Servizo de publicacións da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Año: 2017
Ignacio Varela Castro.
Mónica García Goldar / Julia Ammerman Yebra.
This paper analyzes the extent to which the violence against women is a reason to refuse returning the child in cases of international child abduction. Firstly, taking into account the objectives of the Hague Convention on civil aspects of international child abduction and the proven parallelism between gender violence and child abuse, we defend that the aforementioned violence must be a sufficient reason to deny returning the child. Secondly, as it is predictably difficult to achieve an international agreement on this topic, we stand for an adequate interpretation of the Convention in order to prevent ignoring violence against women.