La reforma del reglamento notarial: creación de una nueva modalidad de acta de notoriedad

Dereito. Revista da Facultade de Dereito da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Vol. 16, nº1, pp. 221-241 Año: 2007
Autor/a: Margarita Herrero Oviedo.
The recent reform of he Notarial Statute -Regamento Notarial- (Royal Decree, 19th January 2007) has established a specific regulation about the notoriety act- acta de notoriedad- which main purpose is the first land's registration in the Land Registry -Registro de la Propiedad-. Taking this into account it is of paramount importance the analysis of the mentioned above reform in order to measure its adequacy and convenience and also to determine if the special proceedings are optimal to make compatible two opposite ideas concurring in the first registration of lands: to provice the access of lands to the registry and to evade the commission of fraud.