La responsabilidad precontractual en el Derecho contractual europeo
Indret: Revista para el Análisis del Derecho, núm. 2.
Año: 2010
María Paz García Rubio y Marta Otero Crespo.
This article deals with culpa in contrahendo from a comparative perspective, including national, international and communitarian regulations on the matter. During the last years there has been an increasing academic debate focused on the role and boundaries of this institution. Departing from its German roots we study the issue of precontractual liability and its impact primarily in some continental and anglosaxon legal systems, and secondly, in some recent texts like DCFR; we are also concerned withthe duties at the precontractual stage and the consequences of the non-fulfillment of those in Comparative law, as well as the problems arising on the pockets of cases giving rise to precontractual liability.