Maternidad subrogada: dilemas éticos y aproximación a sus respuestas jurídicas
Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez, núm. 52, pp. 67-89
Año: 2018
María Paz García Rubio y Margarita Herrero Oviedo.
Surrogacy is one of the most controversial topics among the many of this type that affect the use and disposal of a woman’s body. Ethical, sociological and legal reasons converge in order to argue in favor of or against a practise that, like it or not, is becoming more widespread. Much as with other issues concerning the female body, such as abortion or prostitution, the gap between differing opinions is becoming increasingly greater and greater and common ground for agreement has become too small. We are convinced that the first academic duty is to avoid a simple neutrality in order to please everybody; it is up to us to give arguments, realizing the risk we take and that our stance cannot be the final word.