Introducción de la perspectiva de género en la asignatura de Derecho de Sucesiones

Libros: (Re)construíndo o coñecemento Editorial: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Vigo: Universidade da Coruña Año: 2019
Autor/a: Mónica García Goldar.
Director/a: Ana Jesús López Díaz, Agueda Gómez Suárez, Eva Aguayo Lorenzo (eds.).
This chapter analyzes certain resources proposed for the introduction
of gender perspective in the subject of Succession Law,
such as critical thinking, trend analysis
of gender, the study of institutions
that may offer a gender perspective, or the
recourse to other pedagogical tools. All this in order to make visible the
situation of women in the field of Succession.