A member of De Conflictu Legum awarded the II Loyola University Award for Research in Development Studies
April 14, 2021
A member of De Conflictu Legum Research Group, Mónica García Goldar, was awarded the II Loyola University Award for Research in Development Studies on 13 April for her scientific work "Propuestas para garantizar modalidades de consumo y producción sostenibles (ODS 12)". At the same event, an accesit was awarded to Carmelo Reverte Maya, professor at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, for his work entitled "La importancia de las diferencias institucionales entre países en el nivel de consecución de los ODS: un estudio empírico a escala mundial".
For more information: www.diariocordoba.com/cordoba-ciudad/2021/04/13/universidad-loyola-entrega-premio-investigacion-47336337.amp.html