Nerea Magallón Elósegui

Private International Law

In addition to participating in seven R&D projects attached to various universities, Nerea Magallón Elósegui has published case studies related to the subject he teaches at the University of Deusto, Private International Law; has participated in collective works; has written a large volume of articles for all kinds of publications; and he has participated in a number of conferences and courses. She also has the positive assessment of ANECA as a professor at the University of Deusto, as well as that of UNIQUAL. He is also a member of the Basque Academy of Law since 2004 and a guest member of the Law Commission of Guipúzcoa of the Royal Bascongada Society of Friends of the country since 2004. Nerea was a researcher at the Conflict Legum Group from 2009 to 2012 with contracts from the "Ángeles Alvariño" and "Juan de la Cierva" programs.